Answers to the most commonly asked questions about Quadient and our postage meters.


About Quadient USA

No. At Quadient, we don’t charge you a reset fee for adding postage to your meter. Some companies will offer free reset fees, but only for a limited time before surprising customers on their next invoice. Not us! And if you need live support, that’s free, too.

The Quadient iX-1 Postage Meter gives you direct access to postage discounts, saving you 5% on every letter you send. Plus if you add NeoShip shipping software to your postage meter, you'll qualify for commercial-based discounts that can save your business up to 32% on Priority Mail®.



Quadient USA, formerly known as Neopost, has been a leading producer of mailing and shipping products for nearly 90 years, with more than 240,000 customers in the U.S. and over 800,000 customers worldwide. Our meters securely process close to $3.4 billion in postage annually. And 94% of customers say they would recommend Quadient mailing, shipping and document handling hardware and software solutions to others. Trust us. We’re 100% dedicated to meeting your business mail requirements.

Yes, and yes. We have over 220 offices in the U.S. and a nationwide technical service team. About 32% of calls are resolved while you are on the phone and our on-site response is less than 4 hours for 90% of all service requests.


About Quadient Postage Meters

Yes. Quadient has postage meters for businesses and mail volumes of all sizes. Call your Quadient representative toll free at 877.888.0677 for details on our complete line of postage meters.

With online postage companies like stamps.com®, you can waste time and money with complicated applications, extra steps, printing headaches and special labels. With a Quadient postage meter, processing your mail is simple and quick. You can apply postage in less than 10 seconds. There is no need to provide your credit card information unless you choose to, and there will never be any automatic charges to your card. Visit our Stamps.com vs Quadient comparison page

iX-1 – 12.6"L x 8.7"D x 8.5"H

iX-3 – 28.5"L x 17"D x 10.5"H (with integrated feeder and catch tray)

iX-5 HF - 33”L x 15”D x 12”H (including envelope tray)

iX-5 AF - 47”L x 15”D x 12”H (including envelope tray)

Today, using a meter makes sense for ANY mail volume. Postage actually costs less when you use a mailing machine, not to mention the time you'll save in your day. Also, consider the time spent driving to the post office (especially with the high cost of gas) and standing in line. Plus, with a Quadient meter, you can also take advantage of lower shipping rates for envelopes, flats and packages when you integrate our shipping software for a low monthly price. Spend more time working on your business and less time processing your mail.

Absolutely. If you own or manage a small business, you are used to working on tighter budgets and with less resouces. Postage meters make sense for ANY volume of mail and for any sized business. You don’t have to waste time and money running to the post office for stamps or reduce staff productivity to get the next mailing out. Using a postage meter is also faster and easier than using an online postage company like stamps.com® for processing postage.

To ensure the proper setup of your IMI compliant postage meter, it must be able to connect to the Quadient server. A LAN cable is included within the packaging contents provided for you. If you do not have access to a LAN cable port, a WiFi adapter is needed. You can include a WiFi adapter as an accessory to your order during checkout.

All Quadient iX series postage meters are IMI compliant.   


Getting started

Just click the ORDER NOW button at the top of our website. Type in your zipcode and fill out the online order form. You will receive your Quadient meter within 2 weeks from the date of your order. You can also call your Quadient representative toll-free at 877.888.0677.

Not at all. Just give us a call toll-free at 877.888.0677 and one of our friendly Quadient representatives will assist you. And because our meters are truly easy to use, getting started with your new meter will be just as hassle-free.

Far from it! The Quadient iX-1 Postage Meter is really easy to install on your own. But just in case, you can always call your Quadient representative toll-free at 877.888.0677 if you have any questions.

If you have any questions or experience any trouble operating your new Quadient iX-1 Postage Meter, call your Quadient representative immediately at 877.888.0677.

Your Quadient iX-1 Postage Meter will be equipped with the latest postage technology called Intelligent Mail Indicia, a built-in Rate Wizard for easy postage calculation, and a best-in-class, integrated 10 lb. scale. It also comes with a free starter kit that includes a full-capacity ink cartridge and mailing labels. Click here to learn more about the iX-1 Postage Meter

No. There are no hidden fees added to the price we quote you. Rates are locked in for the duration of the contract. Quadient just sends an invoice. No extra charges, no money up front. And, with our neoFunds® service, you get a $700 interest-free line of credit.


Ink cartridges

The ink cartridge for the Quadient iX-1 Postage Meter is double the capacity of a comparable Pitney Bowes model postage meter. With the iX-1, you can print up to 2,000* stamps (indicia) before your cartridge will need to be replaced.

* Note: There are many factors that contribute to the number of impressions you will get from an ink cartridge. Adding extra marketing images and messages to the indicia will use more ink per impression. Keep in mind that running printhead cleaning cycles often uses a lot of ink, which also reduces the number of impressions.

The price of a replacement ink cartridge is $143.00. However, with the Quadient iX-1, you get the first ink cartridge free. What’s more, our ink costs 20% less per impression than the comparable Pitney Bowes model and is double the capacity.

  • Go to www.myquadient.com and register your account to order supplies quickly and easily.
  • If ordering online isn’t an option for you, our customer service team can assist you with your order, please call 1-800-636-7678 and select option 3.
  • It’s important to use authentic Quadient certified ink cartridges; If a third-party ink cartridge bursts in your machine, damaging it, you are not covered for repairs or replacement under your Quadient service agreement. Damage caused by these ink cartridges will lead to costly repairs or even a new machine.

Contracts & cancellations

You have the choice of 12, 24, or 36 month terms and can make that selection during the check-out process. Additional contract terms are available. However, the monthly rates and special offers will vary. Please contact a Quadient representative toll-free at 877.888.0677 to talk about options for your business.

Get the first three months FREE. Really! If you're a new Quadient customer, you can get three additional free months on your 24-month contract term. However, you will enjoy the convenience of a Quadient postage meter free of charge for the first three months prior to the start of your contract period. So in the example of a free 3-month offer, you would have your meter for a total of 27 months while only paying for 24 months!

You get the convenience of price protection with a low rate for the full contract term. You also get a free starter kit containing a full-capacity ink cartridge and meter labels for sending oversized letters and packages (a $100+ value). Of course, Quadient gives you expert tech support and responsive customer service whenever you need it.

No. Quadient can take care of notifying your existing vendor for you. All you have to do is sign up to start saving with your new Quadient meter. Call a Quadient representative toll free at 877.888.0677 today about your contract.

You have the choice of quarterly or annual billing and can make that selection during the check-out process.

You should expect to receive your postage meter within two weeks of ordering. 

No. With Quadient, our contract terms are price protected with no annual increases or hidden fees. Some of our competitors like to offer one-year contracts at lower rates. However, they may raise your price after the first year.