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2025 USPS® Promotions and Incentive Programs: Q&A with Jennifer Vitali, Direct Mail Expert at Quadient


Welcome back, Mailers! For this article, we again sat down with Jennifer Vitali, Direct Mail Expert at Quadient, to delve into the details of the 2025 Promotions and Incentive Programs from the United States Postal Service. Jen oversees direct mail efforts for Quadient, so we asked her to share insights into each of the promotions and the top benefits for your business.


Q: Hi Jen, can you start by providing an overview and reminding us of what the USPS Promotions and Incentive Programs is?

A: Absolutely! The USPS promotions and incentive programs are designed to support businesses, both large and small, by minimizing the costs associated with direct mail postage. The promotions are available for First-Class Mail and/or Marketing Mail, and the discounts range from 3% - 6%, depending on the promotion.

By implementing this program, the USPS wants to encourage mailers, printers, and marketers to leverage technology and print techniques in their direct mail to grab customer attention and boost engagement. Think of it as a way that the USPS can invest in your business’ success. In 2024, among direct mail recipients, mailpieces drove 92% to digital activity and 87% to shop online – those are some great stats!

And yes, you can still enjoy these perks even if you use a postage meter for your mailings – we do!


Q: Is there anything new or notable this year compared to 2024?

A: Yes, new for 2025 the USPS is introducing two Add-Ons: Informed Delivery and Sustainability. Each Add-On offers up to a 1% additional discount and must be added to a promotion – they cannot be claimed alone. Also, a mailpiece can claim both the Informed Delivery and Sustainability Add-Ons if that mailpiece meets all requirements. The only exception is for the Reply Mail IMbA Promotion – this promotion is not eligible for Add-Ons.

Interested in learning more about Informed Delivery? Check out our previous post here.


Q: Can you give us an overview of the different USPS promotions for 2025?

A: Many of the USPS promotions from 2024 are continuing into 2025, but guidelines are evolving. Here are the key efforts the USPS wants to encourage businesses to explore and be sure to review the Guidebooks that the USPS provides for more detail!

Integrated Technology

Excite prospects and customers! Send a mail experience powered by the latest digital technologies, including Mobile Shopping, Augmented Reality, or Artificial Intelligence.

  • Incentive: 3% discount for eligible technologies
  • Eligible Mail Class: First-Class Mail® & Marketing Mail®
  • Promotion period: The start date begins on the first mail date claiming the discount and may run for up to 6 consecutive months during the 2025 calendar year (January 1 - December 31, 2025).

Tactile, Sensory, and Interactive

Incorporate innovative printing techniques and create a sensory experience for your customers!

  • Incentive: 4% postage discount for direct mail campaigns that elevate customer engagement through innovations in paper and stock, substrates, inks, interactive elements, and finishing techniques. 
  • Eligible Mail Class: First-Class Mail® & Marketing Mail®
  • Promotion period: February 1 - July 31, 2025

Continuous Contact

Running marketing campaigns with multiple touchpoints? Get rewarded for executing your targeted approach!

  • Incentive: Receive a 3% discount on additional follow-up mailers with content related to the initial mailing.
  • Eligible Mail Class: Marketing Mail®
  • Promotion period: April 1 - December 31, 2025

Reply Mail IMbA

Speed up your processing time with Intelligent Mail barcode Accounting (IMbA) and ensure you receive your reply mail and invoice payments quickly.

  • Incentive: 3% discount off Static IMbA OR 6% discount off Serialized IMbA. The 2025 Reply Mail IMbA Promotion encourages Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM) and High-Volume QBRM customers to adopt IMbA. 
  • Eligible Mail Class: First-Class Mail®
  • Promotion period: July 1 - December 31, 2025

First-Class Mail Advertising

Depend on First-Class Mail’s reliability and prestige to make a first-class impression!

  • Incentive: 3% discount on standalone advertisements or by incorporating marketing messages onto First-Class Mail pieces.
  • Eligible Mail Class: First-Class Mail®
  • Promotion period: September 1 - December 31, 2025


Q: Which USPS promotion is Quadient planning to utilize in 2025, and how has it impacted your budget?

A: This year, we are looking forward to incorporating the Tactile, Sensory, and Interactive promotion for part of the year, along with the Integrated Technology promotion.

And we won’t be leaving those Add-Ons on the table! We will continue to leverage Informed Delivery to complement our direct mail campaigns. Also, we print on a Certified FSC stock (Forest Stewardship Council) and our printing and mailing partner is a certified FSC printer, so we’ll take advantage of the Sustainability Add-On as well.

Leveraging these promotions from the USPS made a positive impact on our program in 2024. By saving 5% on postage all last year, we were able to offset postage rate increases and increase our mail volume and reach throughout the year. Since the savings are applied at the time of mailing, which eliminates any waiting for a refund or credit, the benefits are immediate.


Q: Is it easy to use, especially for businesses that might not be mailing experts?

A: There is a portal available that businesses or individuals can use to initiate and manage the approval and mailing process. The USPS guidebooks for each promotion are extremely informative and easy to understand. You can also sign up for the Business Customer Gateway and get help finding and managing incentive programs.

New to 2025, the USPS put on multiple webinars to walk through the promotions in detail and answer questions. These recordings and slides are available on the USPS promotions landing page along with a host of other resources.


Q: Any final thoughts or advice for businesses considering these USPS promotions?

A: Don’t hesitate to dive in! These promotions can be excellent opportunities for small businesses to save money while gaining attention and awareness for their business. Even those who mail bills and statements can take advantage of these opportunities. Additionally, you can make use of these promotions even if you use a postage meter – we use a Quadient meter for our mailings!

Thanks again, Jen!


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Wondering what postage meter Jennifer uses?  

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See the postage meters >>

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