News Alert! Shipping Rates to Increase for FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Ground® Economy, and FedEx Freight.
It has truly been a season of rate change! FedEx has announced its shipping rate change for 2022.
Effective Jan. 3, 2022
- FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Ground® Economy, and FedEx Freight rates will increase.
- There will be changes to shipping surcharges and fees that may apply to your shipment and affect your total shipping rate.
To prepare your business, check out the FedEx rate change page for more information. We will keep you posted with all of the latest details here in this blog and through email if you are on our email list.
Get Shipping Discounts All Year Long!
Tired of surcharges? Want rates that are updated automatically? Want to compare prices? Rate shopping is one of the best ways to help your business save on shipping. You can rate shop, compare pricing and get commercial discounts all year long with shipping software like Neoship. In fact, you can save 40% on Priority Mail costs!
Let's Revolutionize Your Mailroom
S.M.A.R.T. combines cutting-edge mailing and shipping technologies to create an all-in-one solution for businesses.
- Powerful mailing options and access to postage discounts
- Shipping integrations, like rate shopping and remote file extracts
- Postal account reporting and chargeback accounting features
- Advanced tracking and reporting history
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