New USPS®, Canada Post and Parcel Carrier Rates for 2023 Resources
January 19, 2023
Did you miss the recent Parcel Carrier Rate Change Webinar? Or maybe you’d like to review the information again?
You can now access the recording by watching it On-Demand. Our top mailing experts explain which rates and fees are changing, share insights, tips, and strategies for easing the impact on your budget.
We hope the information will help you manage your mailing and shipping costs and reduce the time it takes to get the mail out this year. Cheers, and happy mailing and shipping in 2023!
Webinar resources:
- Access the presentation slides
- Download the USPS Postal Rate Guide
- Download the FedEx and USP Rate Guide
- Does our machine automatically update the rates or does this need to be done manually?
If you have a new iX Series Meter, it will automatically update the new postage rates. Just log off & log in! If you have another Quadient postage meter, you can update the rate by making a “Generic Call” from the machine to the server.
Visit our Knowledge base to learn more.
- What is Mail Automation?
We're glad you asked! You can simplify the entire mailing process down to just a few button clicks with a folder inserter and automate your mail prep! Simply put, a folder inserter is used to speed up the folding, inserting, and delivery of important business communications, like invoices and statements. It is also used to cut down on mailing errors like sending the wrong piece of mail to a customer, especially for industries dealing with sensitive customer, client or patient information.
Learn more about folder inserters
Read our article: Mail Automation isn't just for big businesses!
- I want to start using electronic certified mail, but have no idea how to begin.
It's so easy to get started with Certified Mail. It's all done online, simple!
e-Certify is one of our most popular solutions. The best thing about e-Certify is that you can save 37% on the cost of sending Certified Mail. That’s huge, considering the major price increase to Certified Mail this year. The second greatest thing is that you do everything online. If you are still using those hard-copy receipts, say goodbye to those green cards. e-Certify uses electronic Return Receipt, saving you $1.25 per mail piece. Plus, our solution e-Certify is 100% USPS Compliant
See for yourself...Check out e-Certify!
- What is presorting? Is there a minimum number for presorting?
Presorting is when you group your mail pieces by zip code before you send them in order to lower postage costs. Your postage costs are lowered because you’re helping out the Postal Service save money on their postage processing and delivery. Presort rates have a minimum of 200 pieces.
Read our blog post about presorting mail.
- Is there a presentation on how to use the Quadient machine efficiently?
You can find the information you need by clicking on this link.
- What about Media mail pricing?
Media Mail pricing increased too. You can find the detail on USPS Notice 123.
- We are a non-profit, I have heard about a non-profit price for postage, how can I get that?
We recommend that you contact your USPS rep and see what discounts you can leverage!
- Where can I find the updated mailing and shipping rates?
Great question! You can always visit our Postal Rate Hub for updated postal rates. We keep this link updated with the current mailing and shipping rates for all three major carriers. You can also get your up-to-date guide with the new postal rates by downloading our 2023 USPS® Postage Rate Guide.
If you have any other questions, be sure to contact us so we can help you out or you can sign up for our Quadient Connections Newsletter to get all the updates on rate changes as they happen.
Get the Meter Discount & Save on First-Class Mail.
Gain access to exclusive discounts just by using a Postage Meter. Save money on every invoice, statement, or letter you send, just by using a Postage Meter. The savings really add up!
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